Hello! We invite all of our 3RD GRADE students to our drive thru GRADUATION!

DATE: August 29th, 2020

TIME: 10am – 12pm

LOCATION: Bethel Church parking lot


There will be:

a photo booth

graduation gift & certificate

award store package

a QT award

for our wonderful graduating students!

If you would like to take a picture at the photo booth, please make sure to park your car and walk over to the photo booth with your mask on 🙂


PLEASE JOIN US TO CONGRATULATE our 3rd graders and CELEBRATE with them on their journey to LEARN and GROW in Jesus! ♥️

*3rd grade graduating students will pick up their September crafts and meet their new 4th grade Sunday school teachers on Saturday, Sept 5th.

For questions, please email P.Emily at [email protected]