Palm Sunday 4/2
Publish on March 29, 2023
We will have special worship and craft activities for Palm Sunday!
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March On Time Campaign
Publish on March 5, 2023
We will have On Time Campaign for the month of March! Please arrive to the chapel room by 9am for the 1st service and 11am for the 2nd service. Those who arrive on time will…
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2/12 Valentines Sunday
Publish on February 5, 2023
♥️발렌타인 주일에 친구를 초대하세요! 📣2/12 9am,11am ❣️특별 발렌타인 선데이 예배, 발렌타인 크래프트 활동, 래플, 뉴커머들을 위한 특별한 선물까지! ❣️친구를 초대한 학생은 초대된 친구와 함께 선물을 받습니다. – – – – ♥️Invite your friends to our…
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