“Gospel For Kids”

2023년 예정

(Discipleship Training level 1 Registrations: July 2020)

Gospel For Kids: 7 Weeks Children’s Discipleship Training Student Book

아마존에서 교재 구매하기

2023년  예정

(매주일 1시 – 3시30분)

  • 1st Week:  God’s Creation
  • 2nd Week: Sin, Man’s Choice
  • 3rd Week: God’s Plan for Salvation
  • 4th Week:  Invitation to Salvation
  • 5th Week: Assurance of Salvation
  • 6th Week: Growing True disciples of Jesus
  • 7th Week: Gospel Presentation
  • 8th Week:  Final Exam
I. 대상

4학년 – 6학년

(4th– 6th Grade)

II. 과제 (Coursework)
  • Book report “Case for Christ”, “Case for Creator”, “Case for Faith”
  • Bible reading
  • Memory Verses
  • Memorize Gospel Presentation

창조, 우리가 택한 죄, 구원으로의 초대, 구원의 확신, 예수님의 제자됨 등 8주과정의 제자훈련 1단계 교재를 통하여 아이들이 진정한 제자됨을 배울것입니다. 교재는 베델 교회학교 디렉터 이진아 전도사님이 출간한 “Gospel for Kids”를 이용합니다.

The students will learn about creation, our choice of sin, invitation to salvation, assurance of salvation, Jesus’ disciple, etc. during an 8 week course. Through Discipleship Training level 1, they will learn what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ. The curriculum will be Pastor Jinah Yi’s “Gospel for Kids”.