There will be an On Time Campaign for the month of March! Please arrive to the chapel room by 9am for the 1st service and 11am for the 2nd service. Those who arrive on time will put a sticker on the On Time Chart that will be located in the chapel room. Those who complete the chart for the next 4weeks will receive an award at the end of March! May our children be trained and disciplined to prioritize and cherish our Sunday Worship through this campaign.
3월 한달동안 온타임 캠페인이 시작됩니다! 주일학교 9시예배는 9:00시까지, 11시예배는 11:00시까지 제시간에 도착한 친구들은 채플룸 안에 있는 온타임차트에 스티커를 붙이게 됩니다. 3월한달동안 온타임을 지켜 매주 제시간에 도착한 친구들은 3월 말에 시상이 있습니다! Let’s be on time!